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Master Tallis's Testament

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Uploaded by: Mirch4 (11/12/22)
Composer: Howells, Herbert
Sample Producer: Forestpipes Virtual Organs
Sample Set: Waldkirchen, St. Peter Und Paul
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Romantic
This piece is played on a new Hauptwerk release of the organ at Waldkirchen. It gives a tour of the instrument from the quietest strings to a build-up to full organ.

Whilst he is best known for his choral music, including the Hymnus Paradisi, a number of Anglican service settings and the hymn tune for 'All my hope in God is founded', Howells also wrote for the organ. This piece is from 'Six pieces for organ'; it and 'Sarabande for the morning of Easter' are particularly notable. This piece was a particular favourite of the composer's.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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