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User: gernot

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  Title Composer Organ Genre Added
Three Musical Paintings (Advent/Christmas 1999)
49 views, 5 comments
* My Own Composition Holzhey-Orgel Weissenau Experimental 04/14/21
In Einem - Alles (G.C. Dieffenbach / A. Link; Arr. for organ by Gernot Wurst)
155 views, 6 comments
* My Own Transcription St. Peter und Paul Weissenau Romantic 06/26/20
Ihr Christen hoch erfreuet euch (GL 339), Anloo 2.0 + Magnuskerk IR
88 views, 1 comment
Johann Leisentrit (1585) Magnuskerk Anloo Hymn 05/05/20
Präludium #2 C major from '12 Orgelstücke'
131 views, 1 comment
Kern, Carl August St. Peter und Paul Weissenau Romantic 01/05/20
Das alte Jahre vergangen ist
147 views, 5 comments
Walther, Johann Gottfried Magnuskerk Anloo Baroque 01/02/20
Three pieces from Op. 46
279 views, 3 comments
Kern, Carl August St. Peter und Paul Weissenau Romantic 12/31/15
Plein-jeu in C - Weissenau temperament comparison
296 views, 2 comments
Marchand, Louis St. Peter und Paul Weissenau Baroque 12/30/15
Holzhey organ Weissenau - progress demo - Flöten
526 views, 17 comments
Ranked #7 in Most Listened
no composition, just a few demos Holzhey Organ Weissenau (PROSPECTUM) demo 10/02/15
A picture postcard from Paris (Weissenau)
700 views, 8 comments
Ranked #4 in Most Listened
* My Own Composition PROSPECTUM Weissenau 4ch version Contemporary 03/05/15
Weissenau Hauptwerk stops demo (partially voiced)
641 views, 17 comments
not a composition PROSPECTUM Weissenau - 4 channel version demo 03/03/15