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User: Col-Adamson

User Information

I've been working to build my home organ since the mid 1980's. Originally an Estey Grand organ (reed organ), through manufactured backfalls, the instrument plays a number of m-audio keyboards and others... Along with the reed organ, it plays 3 Hauptwerk organs,1 GrandOrgue organ, 2 Yamaha keyboards, and one Ahlborn Galanti Organ Module. Manual 1 organ can also mechanically couple to manual 2 organ. The pedals mechanically couple to Man 1 and 2. I can load classical or theatre organ. It's a lot of fun. The computers/keyboards and Ahlborn Galanti outputs go into a Mackie sound desk and out through large stage speakers. and the reed organ still works too!

Hardware profile

Operating system: OS 10.14: Mojave
Audio/MIDI interface: M-Audio (other)
Manual(s): Yamaha PSR 8000 and PSR 500 and M-Audio X3
Pedalboard: Other
System: iMac
Monitor(s): I can use an ipad, but have Korg Midi controllers and Launchpad mini
Speakers: Stereo speakers
Amplifier(s): Mackie Sound desk / Speakers
Sample Set(s): Cavaillè-Coll, Saint Eucaire (1902)
Hereford Cathedral Willis Organ
Paramount 320
Redford Barton 3/12
St. Anne's Moseley