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User: robcamfield

User Information

Robert Fielding was the Organist and Master of the Choristers, Romsey Abbey from 2004-15. He holds MMus and MPhil degrees and is a holder of the Fellowship and Choirmaster diplomas from the Royal College of Organists. He studied organ with Ronald Frost, Keith Bond, Noel Rawsthorne and John Bishop. He works as an organist, choral trainer and composer,with a number of works for choir and organ in print. Robert was a Church Music Adviser for the Diocese of Salisbury and directed the Salisbury Diocesan Certificate in Church Music programme. He is an Honorary Member of the Birmingham Conservatoire.

Hardware profile

Operating system: Windows 10
Audio/MIDI interface: M-Audio Audiofile 2496 PCI Audio Interface
Manual(s): Hoffrichter
Pedalboard: Other
System: PC
RAM: 64 GB
Monitor(s): Touch TCD/TFT
Speakers: Stereo speakers
Software(s): Hauptwerk VII
Sample Set(s): 1732 Andreas Silbermann, Ebersmünster, France
Caen - St. Etienne Cavaillé Coll
Hereford Cathedral Willis Organ