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User: maestropotvin

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  Title Composer Organ Genre Added
Suite du premier ton: Grand plein jeu
70 views, 1 comment
Clerambault, Louis Nicolas Dom Bédos Organ Model Baroque 06/14/20
Suite du deuxième ton: 4. Basse de Cromorne
54 views, 2 comments
Clerambault, Louis Nicolas Dom Bédos Organ Model Baroque 06/14/20
Chaconne in G minor
65 views, 1 comment
Couperin, Louis Dom Bédos Organ Model Baroque 06/14/20
Venez divin messie
105 views, 2 comments
French traditional Cavaille-Coll composite Carol 12/21/16
O Tannenbaum
160 views, 1 comment
German traditional Krzeszow Organ by Michael Engler (1732-37) Carol 12/21/16
Nouvelle agreable
91 views, 1 comment
Nageli, Jean-Georges Heppenheim Carol 12/21/16
Entre le boeuf et l'ane gris
81 views, 2 comments
French traditional St. Maximin, France Carol 12/21/16
Il est né
94 views, 4 comments
French traditional St. Maximin, France Carol 12/21/16