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User: Wibo

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  Title Composer Organ Genre Added
Cantabile - Psalm 25
136 views, 3 comments
Toom , M. den Dordrecht, Kam-organ Romantic 10/10/21
Gymnopédie no. 1
265 views, 7 comments
Satie, Erik Goerlitz (Görlitz), Sonnenorgel Romantic 01/11/16
Psalm 27
147 views, 3 comments
M. den Toom Steendam, Eben-Haëzerkerk (1997) Hymn 01/01/16
Psalm 103 - Voorspel
437 views, 2 comments
Ranked #8 in Most Listened
C. Boss Heppenheim Romantic 11/12/14
Psalm 27 - from Den Toom's book with 150 Psalms
486 views, 4 comments
M. den Toom Zwolle, St. Michael Romantic 01/12/14
Fughetta in E minor
460 views, 4 comments
Zipoli, Domenico Utrecht - Dom, Bätz Organ Baroque 12/29/13
Introduction-Choral (from Suite Gotique)
522 views, 0 comments
Boëllmann, Léon Caen - St. Etienne Cavaillé Coll Romantic 11/13/13
Trio: Gebed de Heren
388 views, 2 comments
Zwart, Dirk Janszn Kolozsvár Professional (Hahn 1752) Contemporary 11/11/13
Lofzang van Simeon (Song of Simeon)
389 views, 4 comments
Lindhout, Wim Utrecht - Dom, Bätz Organ Contemporary 11/08/13
2 Variations on a Christmas Carol
560 views, 2 comments
Mes, Nico de Kolozsvár Professional (Hahn 1752) Contemporary 10/31/13