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Bach Goldberg Variations Part 1

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Uploaded by: phjo (05/14/17)
Composer: Bach, J. S.
Sample Producer: OrganArt Media
Sample Set: 2012 Metzler, Poblet Abbey, Spain
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Baroque
Playing the Goldberg variations on my harpsichord, I tried them on the Poblet and had much fun, so I share here the results. Here are the aria and the 15 first variations.

The second part is here :

Aria : HW Viola 8, RFl 8, RP : Quint. 8, P.8

Var 1 : HW RFl 8, HFl 4, Quinte 2 2/3 Sup 2

Var 2 : HW Comme Var 2 + UW-HW, UW : Vox Humana 8

Var 3 : RP : Quint. 8, Bd 8, RFl 4, Nasard, Doublette, Larigot

Var 4 : HW : P. 8, O. 4, Quinte, Super 2, Mixtur major and minor

Var 5 : HW O.4, RP O.4

Var 6 : HW P.8, RP Bd 8, Rfl 4, RP-HW

Var 7 : HW Cornet V, RP : Bd 8, Cromorne, Larigot

Var 8 : HW : Rfl 8, Hfl 4 RP : Bd 8, O. 4 UW : Wfl 2, UW-HW

Var 9 : HW : P. 8, HFl 4 RP : Quint. 8, RP-HW

Var 10 : HW : Tp 8, O. 4, Cl. 4, Cornet V

Var 11 : HW : P.8, O.4, Quinte, Super 2 RP : Bd 8, P. 8, O.4 Nasard, Doubl 2, Terz, Larigot

Var 12 : P. 8, O.4, Quinte, Super 2, Mixtor major and minor

Var 13 : RP : Quint. 8, Bd 8, Tremulant, UW : Hfl 8, HGdedackt 8

Var 14 : HW Tp 8 (and one note on the pedals bombarde...)
RP : Bd 8, Cromorne, O.4 Nasard, Doublette, Terz, larigot

Var 15 : HW : P. 8, Tremulant, RP : P. 8, Tremulant
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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