Producer: | Silver Octopus |
Builder: | |
Country: | |
Style: | |
Manuals: | 1 |
Pedalboard: | No |
Audio Ouput: | |
Software(s): |
Date Built: | 2019 |
Description: |
The new Concert Series offers a range of comprehensive instruments of varying sizes. Instruments range from a minimal 10 stop two manual and pedal instrument right up to a four manual 125 stop concert hall specification. The basic sampled stops remain the same in each library. Initially all of the sets in the series are presented as dry sets suitable for use in larger acoustic spaces or with additional reverberation. depending on feedback received and the majority preferences as to which type of reverberation should be added, wet versions of these instruments may be available at some time in the future. |
# of uploads with organ: | 13 |
# of users uploaded using organ: | 4 |
Popular Uploads: |
Tuba Tune (Popup Player) Menuet Antique (Popup Player) |
Website: | |