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God Lof, Nu is gekomen

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Uploaded by: EdoL (12/02/24)
Composer: Eersel, Kees van
Sample Producer: OrganArt Media
Sample Set: 2012 Metzler, Poblet Abbey (Surround), Spain
Software: Hauptwerk VIII
Genre: Contemporary
Kees van Eersel wrote a marvelous prelude to this fine melody by Johann Krueger,

It is a small piece, but contains a lot of different moods and it took me some time to get it in the fingers.

Kees was one of my teachers. He taught me lots of things, always by example, for which I am very grateful.

He is one of Hollands most important organists.
After he completed his studies at the Rotterdam conservatory with highest honours he studied with Jean Langlais for two more years in Paris

He was chairman of the Dutch federation of organists for many years and organist of the marvelous Marcussen organ in the Church in Goes.

A true artist!
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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