Gottlieb Muffat, from „Verseti sammt 12 Toccaten“:
Toccata Seconda und Verseti in g-Moll
The revised version of Prospectum's Maihingen sample set will be released soon. With the verseti I want to show the stops of the Hauptwerk of the new version.
00:00 Toccata I (Salecinal 8´)
00:56 Fuga I (Spitzflauten 8´)
01:34 Fuga II (Principal 8´)
02:26 Fuga III (+ Oktav 4´)
03:15 Fuga IV (+ Superoktav 2´, later + Quint 3´)
04:07 Fuga V (Spitzflauten and Quintatön 8´, later + Gamba 8´)
04:46 Fuga VI (Pr 8´, Ok 4´, Qu 3´, Superok 2´, Mixtur, later + Cymbel and Bourdon Copel 16´)
Perspective setting:
Direct 53%
Indirect 63%
Church 69%