Meditation on "Amazing Grace" Uploaded by: Organtob Composer: Swann, Frederick Organ: Pasadena Presbyterian Aeolian Skinner op. 1131-A Software: Hauptwerk VII Views: 223
Meditation, Stanley Winn Uploaded by: FredM Composer: Stanley Winn Organ: Utrecht - Dom, Bätz Organ Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 95
The prayer- Carole Bayer Sager Uploaded by: Col-Adamson Composer: * My Own Transcription Organ: Multiple Hauptwerk, Grandorgue Ahlborn Galanti and yamaha Software: Hauptwerk VI Views: 47
The Last Spring Grieg Uploaded by: Col-Adamson Composer: Edvard Grieg - my arrangement Organ: Multiple Hauptwerk, Grandorgue Ahlborn Galanti and yamaha Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 36
This is my home organ, which I have put together from a 100 plus year old Estey Reed organ, digital keyboards, Hauptwerk and Grandorgue computer organs and an Ahlborn Galanti MIDI organ module. Playing a Robert Morton Theatre organ, Sam Sleath's Cavaillé-Coll St Ouen, and St Anne's Moseley (Rather than playing strong violins for the melody, I am using the St Anne's Moseley's Flauto Magico 4', playing at 8' pitch with "high pressure"- a clear flute imitation), as well as a Yamaha PSR 8000 and Ahlborn Galanti midi module.