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Tiento medio registro de Bajo de baxon 6o Tono

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Uploaded by: EdoL (08/24/22)
Composer: Arauxo, Correa de
Sample Producer: OrganArt Media
Sample Set: 1776 Tadeo Ortega, Capillas, Spain
Software: Hauptwerk VII
Genre: Medieval and Renaissance
Correa de Araujo was born in Seville.
Like most Spanish organists from this era, details of his life are clouded by obscurity. For some time even the years of his birth and death were disputed.

His musical background is unclear; he claimed to have learned theory by studying the works of Francisco de Peraza and Diego del Castillo.
In 1599 he received an organ appointment in Seville, but became embroiled in a lawsuit with rival Juan Picafort, which delayed confirmation of this appointment for six years.

In 1608, he was ordained as a priest. He maintained the post at Seville until 1636. Several times he applied unsuccessfully for other positions, and once again in 1630, he became embroiled in lawsuits which culminated in a brief period of imprisonment.

In 1636, he left Seville and took up a post at Jaén Cathedral. In 1640, he was appointed as a prebendary at Segovia Cathedral, and remained there for the last fourteen years of his life.

He died at Segovia in abject poverty.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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