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1776 Tadeo Ortega, Capillas, Spain [Back to Library]

Producer: OrganArt Media
Builder: Tadeo Ortega
Country: Spain
Manuals: 1
Pedalboard: Yes
Audio Ouput: Stereo
Date Built: 1776


This was probably the first instrument built by local organ-builder Tadeo Ortega, and dates from 1776, when he was twenty-seven.
A typical eighteenth-century rural Castilian instrument, it is full of character and produces an immense volume of sound on very low wind pressure. The flue chorus is particularly fine, and the reeds somewhat rustic and very different from those at Frechilla.

Little is known about the history of the instrument, but it was cleaned and repaired at various times between the mid-nineteenth century and the early twentieth. By the middle of the twentieth century, it had become a ruin, with some pipes missing and many severely damaged. In the late1980’s some registers were made playable, and then in 1997 the organ was totally dismantled and taken to the workshop of Alain Faye in the south of France. He carried out a full restoration, using as much of the original material as possible. The organ retains its original soundboards and much of the mechanism. The majority of the pipes were recoverable, but most of the mixtures are new, as is the 8’ internal Trompeta Real. Enough original material did remain, fortunately, for these new pipes to be an accurate re-creation of the originals. The wind is now supplied by an electric blower feeding a parallel reservoir which, to judge from the newspapers glued to it, dates from 1911. This was probably the time at which the instrument had last received attention before recently being brought back to life.

The church room has medium-wet acoustics with about 3.5 seconds of reverberation.

Recording Technique

The organ was recorded and processed in August 2005 with 48 kHz, 24 bit, multi-channel, using the multi-layer release technique introduced by OrganArt. All stops were recorded with multiple release levels for short and long key attacks for authentic acoustical mapping.

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