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Preludes Nos. 03, 04, 12, 15, 23 Opus 51 (1929)

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Uploaded by: Erzahler (07/29/22)
Composer: Nielsen, Carl August
Sample Producer: OrganArt Media
Sample Set: 1925 G.F. Steinmeyer, Berlin, Germany
Software: Hauptwerk VII
Genre: Early 20th century- Early modern period
Carl August Nielsen 9 June 1865 – 3 October 1931) was a Danish composer, conductor and violinist, widely recognized as his country's most prominent composer.

All Nielsen's organ works were late compositions, these 29 preludes date from 1929. The Danish organist Finn Viderø suggests that his interest in the organ was prompted by the Orgelbewegung (Organ reform movement). Nielsen's last major work – Commotio, Op. 58, a 22-minute piece for organ – was composed between June 1930 and February 1931, only a few months before his death.

I found that Carson Cooman had uploaded 5 of these back in 2013 and I thought i would continue his inititive by uploading groups of 5 on a variety of instruments.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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