Prélude, Méditation et Prière Uploaded by: Hoofdwerk Composer: de Bréville, Pierre Organ: St. Omer, Cavaillé-Coll 1855 Software: Hauptwerk VII Views: 59
Pierre Eugène Onfroy de Bréville (21 February 1861 – 24 September 1949) was a French composer. Studied under Dubois and Franck, later teaching at the Schola Cantorum and Paris Conservatoire. He only seems to have three organ works.
From 1912 this is a three part work for manuals. I uploaded the Meditation and Priere previously meaning the Prelude would be out of its correct order, so instead of just uploading the Prelude I include the other two as well to make the work complete from start to finish. If you have heard the others and only want to hear the Prelude it ends at 2:58 mins. The total work is 9 and a half minutes.
I hadn't actually planned on recording anything other than the Meditation, which has caused this silly situation of the Prelude coming after the other two in uploads.