As of now this sampleset is available for purchase through the OrganArt Media website.
The organ in Capillas was build by Tadeo Ortega in 1776. Its character is typical for the Castillian instruments of the 18th century.
With very low wind pressure it attains a powerful volume. The flue stops are very good, the reeds have quite a different character from those of the Frechilla instrument.
Tadeo Ortega build about 25 organs during his lifetime, all in the Castillian province of Tierra de Campos. He was the last great Castillian organ builder, although he was not famous during is lifetime.
His instruments are without exception of excellent quality. They also are mechanically very well build and the sound leaves a lasting impresssion.
The organ typically has two separate sound boards for the bass registers (Bajos) and treble registers (Tiples), which allow a special playing and registration technique for Spanish and Italian music. The manual is divided
at middle C/ C#.
Here is the link with much information on the instrument on the OAM website:
ANDREU, Francisco (end 17th c. - beginning 18th c.). Catalan composer, great melodist, of which some works are preserved scattered in Spanish archives (cantata "Nacimiento de Cristo" and three tientos a tres).
(Info by monorganist)
This piece comes from the "Coleccion de obras de organo de organistas españoles del siglo XVII", based on a manuscript held by Catedral de Astorga.