Richter’s trio on “Aus tiefer Noth schrei ich zu dir” is the last one of his six trio’s from opus 20. It is again a well crafted piece, that shows Richter’s fondness of the old strict contrapuntal style. The phrases of the choral melody are presented in all three voices and the piece conludes with the opening phrase in four part setting. Since the dynamic is already marked as forte by Richter I choose to add the Bombarde 16′ to the pedal for these final bars.
It is typically a piece for those who already like organ music. It’s not going to win someone over who doesn’t already like full plenum counterpoint.
Positiv: Principal 8′, Rohrflöten 8′, Salicional 8′, Octav 4′, Quint 3′, Cimbal, Fagot 8′ B, Hautbois 8′ D (RH)
HW: Principal 8′, Copel 8′, Quintadena 8′, Octav 4′, Superoctac 2′, Mixtur (LH)
Ped: Subbas 16′, Octavbass 8′, Trompet 8′
Bar 58: Ped +Bombard 16′, II-I, both hand on Hauptwerk
Score available here: