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Nature with open volume stands

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Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei (04/12/17)
Composer: Schemelli's "Gesangbuch", 1736
Sample Producer: Milan Digital Audio
Sample Set: Salisbury Cathedral Father Willis
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Hymn
This wonderful hymn for Passiontide is one that is quite rare. I don't think I've ever played it before!

The melody appears in Schemelli's "Gesangbuch" published in 1736, and was
contributed by J. S. Bach.

In this version, the music was adapted by the English hymn-arranger, John Wilson (1905-1992).

The text, by Isaac Watts (1674-1748) is magnificent and majestic.

(One full verse of introduction.)

Nature with open volume stands
To spread her Maker's praise abroad,
And every labour of his hands
Shows something worthy of a God.

But in the grace that rescued man
His brightest form of glory shines;
Here on the Cross 'tis fairest drawn
In precious blood and crimson lines.

Here his whole Name appears complete;
Nor wit can guess, nor reason prove
Which of the letters best is writ,
The Power, the Wisdom, or the Love.

O the sweet wonders of that Cross
Where Christ our Saviour loved and died!
Her noblest life my spirit draws
From his dear wounds and stricken side.

I would for ever speak his Name
In sounds to mortal ears unknown,
With angels join to praise the Lamb,
And worship at the Father's throne.

The score is attached below, as well as photo of a painting of Isaac Watts.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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