Sonata No 74 in D-Dur (Andante) Uploaded by: EdoL Composer: Soler, Padre Antonio Organ: 1766 Riepp Heilig-Geist Organ, Ottobeuren, Germany Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 111
Madrigal Sonata 21 Uploaded by: DominiqueD Composer: Craig A. Penfield Organ: UNPUBLISHED BETA VERSION Software: Hauptwerk VII Views: 123
Triosonata in e BWV 528 Uploaded by: DrPeczeAndor Composer: Bach, J. S. Organ: AVO - Benedictine Abbey of Tihany (Far - Stereo) Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 79
Written as part of a doctoral composition portfolio, the fourth movement pays tribute to the arch form of the Howells D flat Rhapsody. This is a live MIDI performance, using the Haverhill sample set, transplanted to Ulm Minster in Germany using a Space Designer Impulse Response in Logic Pro.