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Four Pieces from Eight Short Preludes on Gregorian Themes

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Uploaded by: gooseh (09/27/16)
Composer: Dupré, Marcel
Sample Producer: Augustine's Virtual Organs
Sample Set: Klais Organ of Szikszó
Software: Hauptwerk IV
I have taken the four quieter pieces from Dupre's Eight Short Preludes on Gregorian Themes (op. 45). These showcase more sounds of the organ and show how good it really is for not just baroque but also romantic/modern music.

1. Salve Regina
(16', 4')
2. Pange Lingua
(8' Flute)
3. Alma Redemptoris mater
(8' Duclian, Cornet)
4. Ave Verum Corpus
(Voix Celeste, Salicional)

I've tried to stick as close to the registrations as possible.

Dulcian is replaced by Holzfloete and Gamba with box shut. Cornet is made up of the mutations and Sesquialter. Salicional is substituted by Quintadena and Lieblich Gedact

Hope you enjoy these wonderful short (and easy!) pieces by Dupre.

Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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