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Featured Contributors

Auke Jongbloed - ajongbloed Amongst Us!


Sometime ago, I remember when a new uploader appeared on the Concert Hall.  The name of ajongbloed "jumped out" at me, and I remember thinking, "Well, that's very clever!"  My impressio...

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Get to know Michael Schopen - the Concert Halls' very own Bartflöte!!!


I don't know about you, but I have never played an organ that had a Bartflöte stop on it!I have seen it a few times, but I can't recall just what instruments included it on the specification.  T...

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Steve Schlesing - from theater to church and beyond - a man of MANY talents, who HAD to buy a house because of Hauptwerk!!!


Some musicians specialize in one particular area.  They stick to what they know, and do it well - hopefully!Others do it all, but without any particular care or skill.  They just do it, and ...

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Pietro Costa - an historian with significant musical gifts!


I wonder how many of you have had the chance to listen to the superb performances of some Clerembault (harpsichord) and Chaumont ...

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Jonathan Orwig - a talented organist with the talent, skills and flexibility necessary to make it in the 21st century!


Most people say that the single best thing about The Concert Hall, is that it gives them the chance to "meet people and make new friends."   That sounds like a cliché, but it really is...

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Wolfram Syre - True Artist and Modest Man


One of the truly wonderful things about the Hauptwerk community, and I think with the Concert Hall specifically, is that we get the chance to interact with one another.  We are all at differ...

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Edo Luynenburg - a splendid organist and a wonderful friend!


One of my "duties" as a writer for The Barde  is to come up with someone to feature each month as Contributor of the Month.  While I welcome the chance to get to know more about our mem...

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So, what it IS a pointyflute? Well, OUR pointyflute is the highly creative and gifted Terry Streeton!


So, what is a pointyflute?  Is it a narrow-scaled flute stop?  Something like a "Spindle Flute" or a "Spire Flute"?  Well, I suppose that it could be, but what exactly is a POINTYFLUTE?...

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Meet the MIDI Master - Leo Chris!


If you are like me, you may be fascinated with what it takes to create a MIDI file - or even what a MIDI file actually is!As time has gone by, I've become more and more interested in the MIDI works of...

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