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Nachspiel in G-Dur

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Uploaded by: EdoL (12/01/23)
Composer: Koerner, Gottfried Wilhelm
Sample Producer: OrganArt Media
Sample Set: 1884/1995 Walcker-Eule, Annaberg, Germany
Software: Hauptwerk VII
Genre: Romantic
Like his father, K. was supposed to become a teacher and, after completing his schooling in Treuenbrietzen and Halle, attended the teachers' college in Erfurt from 1831 to 1834, where he was a student of → Johann Immanuel Müller and → Ludwig Ernst Gebhardi, among others .

He then worked as a teacher in, among other places, Merzien near Köthen, Hettstedt and Halle. Here he founded a musical lending company in 1837 and a year later a book and music publishing house in Erfurt, to which he devoted himself exclusively since 1854, after he had sold the general and used bookstore.
In keeping with his interests and training, K. was particularly committed to organ music, tried to give it new impulses and improve musical education. He initially addressed the cantor and teacher seminaries, produced inexpensive editions and, since 1841, published the first nine volumes of the magazine “Euterpe, a musical monthly for Germany's elementary school teachers” founded by Ernst Hentschel. Study works, collections of preludes and postludes, fugues and free pieces, collected works by older and newer masters, mostly arranged according to level of difficulty, provided the organists with carefully selected material suitable for practical use, for which the best-known large collection “The Organ -Friend” is exemplary. In 1844,

K. added the magazine “Urania” to this collection as a supplement, which was looked after by Alexander Wilhelm Gottschalg after his death and by Max Puttkammer since 1908. K. also sought to achieve a broad impact through biographies of older and newer masters, essays on organ playing and construction, and approaches to a bibliography of printed theoretical and practical works about and for the organ. New editions of the organ works of JS Bach, D. Buxtehude, JL Krebs, J. Pachelbels,
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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