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[Bach JS - BWV 244-68 Final Chorus "Wir setzen uns mit Tränen nieder"]

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Uploaded by: jepisi (09/08/22)
Composer: Bach, J. S.
Sample Set: AVO - Vorosbereny
Software: Hauptwerk VII
Genre: Baroque
Bach Jean-Sébastien (1685-1750)

BWV 244 - Final Chorus "Wir setzen uns mit Tränen nieder
from Matthäus-Passion N° 68


Nous nous asseyons en larmes
Et nous t'appelons dans ta tombe :
Repose calmement, calmement repose !
Reposez, membres épuisés !
Votre tombeau et votre pierre tombale
Pour notre conscience angoissée seront
Un oreiller confortable
Et l'endroit où nos âmes se reposeront.
Avec le plus grand plaisir nos yeux se fermeront endormis.

We sit in tears
And we call you to your grave:
Rest calmly, calmly rest!
Rest, weary members!
Your tomb and your tombstone
For our anguished conscience will be
A comfortable pillow
And the place where our souls will rest.
With the greatest pleasure our eyes will close asleep.


This piece was recorded with the beta version of the organ of Vorosbereny (Hungary)
Many thanks to Augustine...

I used the sample set without adding reverb with the original temperament but with some custom settings...

My arrangement et my midi file made from the score for this organ.
Performance: MIDI
Recorded in: Stereo
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