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Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder, Krebs-WV 514

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Uploaded by: yolar (08/29/22)
Composer: Krebs, Johann Ludwig
Sample Producer: OrganArt Media
Sample Set: 1766 Riepp Heilig-Geist Organ, Ottobeuren, Germany
Software: Hauptwerk VII
Genre: Baroque
Krebs, or as his teacher Johann Sebastian Bach said: 'Der einzige Krebs im Bache', is probably one of the most famous students of Bach and rightly so. Especially his chorale preludes are very fine as is this one played here. It is in a traditional form, like Buxtehude, Böhm, Bach and others often used. First a long introduction in the accompaniment, with many references to the hymn tune, then the hymn tune does appear on a separate manual.
I used the combination of Vox humana 8' and tremulant, which maybe sounds strange to our modern ears. However, it probably was common in the baroque era to imitate a human voice like this in (slow) chorale preludes, as Leo van Doeselaar perfectly explains in this video:
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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