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Magnificat in D

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Uploaded by: Hoofdwerk (06/06/11)
Composer: Anon. - from Le Livre d'Orgue de Montreal
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: St. Michel en Thiérache
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Baroque
1: Prelude (Plein Jeu)
GO: B16, B8, M, P, D, F, Cy
Pos: B, M4, D, F, Cy, Pos/GO

2: Duo
Pos: B, D
GO: B8, F4

3: Recit
GO: B8
Pos: B, N

4: Basse et Dessus de Trompette
Pos: B, P, N
GO: B8, P, T, Cl

5: [Plein Jeu]
(as movt. 1)

6: Dialogue
GO: B8, P, T, Cl, Co
Pos: B, M4, Cr, Pos/GO
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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