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Hauptwerk Organ Improvisation on the State Anthem of Ukraine, Ще не вмерли України ні Слава ні Воля.

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Uploaded by: petercollings (03/19/22)
Composer: * My Own Composition
Sample Producer: Piotr Grabowski
Sample Set: Eisenbarth, Friesach (2000)
Software: Hauptwerk VI
Genre: Improvisation
An improvisation on the State Anthem of Ukraine, 'Ще не вмерли України ні Слава ні Воля' (Neither Glory nor Freedom has died in Ukraine yet). The music for the anthem was written by Mykhailo Verbytsky in 1863.

Performed using the 'Hauptwerk' virtual pipe organ software and the 'Freisach' sample set by Piotr Grabowski.

Hauptwerk Virtual Pipe Organ Software - Version VI:

'Friesach' sample set by Piotr Grabowski:

Peter Collings, Organist:
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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