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Wachet auf

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Uploaded by: jcrowley (12/20/21)
Composer: David Polley
Sample Producer: Voxus Virtual Organs
Sample Set: Kuhn 2004, Essen Philharmonie
Software: Hauptwerk VI
Genre: Modern
Tune: Wachet auf ruft uns die Stimme
(Wake, Awake For Night Is Flying)

This spectacular 'fanfare' is taken from Volume 9, Number 1: General, Advent, Christmas, Epiphany (December 1986), edition of "The Organist's Companion" published by Belwin-Mills and edited by Wayne Leupold.

David Polley has degrees from Concordia College, Seward, Nebraska and Northwestern University and I am sure there are more items to add to this bio - but, I cannot find anything more recent online regarding this composer.

Right-out-of-the-gate you can experience the Essen Tuba which eclipses all of the other reeds on this instrument. It is a dialogue between the Great Tuba and Trompet 4' with the Swell and Positiv Big reeds. I couple all manuals together at the end where the 32,16,8,4 pedal reeds are coupled with all of the manuals using zero other stops of this fine instrument.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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