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Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland

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Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei (12/05/21)
Composer: Gerritz, Peter
Sample Producer: Voxus Virtual Organs
Sample Set: Müller Grote of Sint Bavo extended
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Baroque
Peter Gerritz (1681 - 1728) was organist in Heide and Rendsburg. The socalled "Rendsburger Tabulatur" contains 174 compositions by his hand.

Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland" ("Savior of the nations, come") is a Lutheran chorale of 1524 with words written by Martin Luther, based on "Veni redemptor gentium" by Ambrose, and a melody, Zahn 1174, based on its plainchant. It was printed in the Erfurt Enchiridion of 1524.

The song was the prominent hymn for the first Sunday of Advent for centuries. It was used widely in organ settings by Protestant Baroque composers, most notably Johann Sebastian Bach, who also composed two church cantatas beginning with the hymn. Later settings include works by Max Reger, Brian Easdale and Siegfried Strohbach.

This very same setting was uploaded by our valued memeber, "EdoL" several days ago. You can hear his fine performance here:

I had recorded this several days before Edo had uploaded his performance. Initially I thought that I would not upload mine, but, at second thought, I decided to upload it, and dedicate my performance to him.

So, Edo, this small upload is offered unto with love, friendship, and deep appreciation. Your musical expertise is highly regarded and valued.

More importantly, your personal kindness, generosity, and integrity are treasured by all who know you.

The friendship that you and I have shared, for quite a few years now, is something that is very special, and I thank God each day that our lives have "crossed paths" in such a meaningful way!

The score is attached below, as well as a photo of the "Rendsburger Tabulatur" - at least I THINK that this what the photo is! :-)

The English translation of the hymn, "Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland is given in the First Comment.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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