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Nun komm der Heiden Heiland (Gerritz)

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Uploaded by: EdoL (12/02/21)
Composer: Gerritz, Peter
Sample Producer: OrganArt Media
Sample Set: 1675/88 Hus/Arp Schnitger, Stade, Germany
Software: Hauptwerk VI
Genre: Baroque
Peter Gerritz (1681-1728) was the eldest son of his homonymous father and the local organist's daughter.

He was baptized in Mildstedt on October 2, 1681. He certainly completed early musical training with his father.
That 1689-97 Bruhns lived in the immediate vicinity cannot have gone unnoticed in Mildstedt, because the family, reflected in sponsorships, had close contacts to Husum pastors, the cantor and even the local government representatives.

But nothing is known about Peter's education. In 1703 he took up the (full-time) organist position in Heide (Dithmarschen) - as the successor to Gottfried Stellwagen, who had come there from Güstrow in 1663 (son of the organ builder Friedrich Stellwagen and a daughter of Gottfried Fritzsche).

Gerritz spent almost ten years in Heide; then he was called to St. Marien in Rendsburg in 1712, to the traditional official church of the Holstein superintendents.

He died in Rendsburg at the age of 46 and was buried there on February 9, 1728.

In short: with Peter Gerritz you are in the middle of the later "great North German organ tradition". His career is not only reflected in external facts, he also found recognition among his contemporaries.

This emerges from the words in which the vice parish administrator Georg Timm formulated a testimony for Gerritz in 1712.
In this he writes that Gerritz "as long as he manages the local organ, [...] his work is so faithfully and diligently carried out that even local people like me have not only had a satisfying pleasure at all times, but also wished that he might have used the local organ for longer.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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