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Hymns to Help Us Through: “Nearer, My God, to Thee”

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Uploaded by: FatherTodd (08/18/20)
Composer: * My Own Arrangement
Sample Producer: Milan Digital Audio
Sample Set: Notre Dame de Metz Mutin/Cavaillé-Coll
Software: Hauptwerk V
Genre: Hymn
Hymns to Help Us Through – #39 – “Nearer, My God, to Thee”...

Hello, everyone!!

Sometimes in our walk with Jesus we need to ponder the difficult things of life. Often, because I serve as a full-time prison Chaplain, I have to break devastating news to unsuspecting souls. Each time I do so, it causes me to think again about the eternal reality that spans far beyond this life and this world. Do you take time to talk with Jesus about how you’ll praise him as you leave this world? It’s really not such a bad thing to do!

By the way, you’ll definitely want to use headphones – the sound of this pipe organ is amazing!! (Be sure to start the volume low.) The words for today’s hymn are below, in case you want to sing along! :)

“Nearer, My God, to Thee”

Tune: Bethany

Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee!
E’en though it be a cross that raiseth me,
still all my song shall be,
nearer, my God, to thee;
nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee!

Though like the wanderer, the sun gone down,
darkness be over me, my rest a stone;
yet in my dreams I’d be
nearer, my God, to thee;
nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee!

There let the way appear, steps unto heaven;
all that thou sendest me, in mercy given;
angels to beckon me
nearer, my God, to thee;
nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee!

Then, with my waking thoughts bright with thy praise,
out of my stony griefs Bethel I’ll raise;
so by my woes to be
nearer, my God, to thee;
nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee!

Or if, on joyful wing cleaving the sky,
sun, moon, and stars forgot, upward I fly,
still all my song shall be,
nearer, my God, to thee;
nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee!

Blessings! :)

Father Todd
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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