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"Ellers" - A Symphonic Poem on the Hymn Melody "Saviour, again to Thy dear Name we raise""

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Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei (05/26/20)
Composer: Pearce, Charles W.
Sample Producer: Audio Angelorum
Sample Set: Peterborough Cathedral Hill
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Romantic
Charles William Pearce (1856-1928) was born in Salisbury, and was a chorister at St. Martin's Church there. He was a pupil of W. S. Hoyte (All Saint's Church, Margaret St., London) and of the famous E. J. Hopkins (Temple Church, London), and received his doctorate from Cambridge in 1884.

He was organist of St. Clement's, Eastcheap, London, and was professor of harmony, counterpoint and composition at Trinity College in London. He was an active member of the Royal College of Organists, and later became Dean of Trinity College and Honorary Treasurer to the London Section of the Incorporated Guild of Church Musicians.

Many of his organ pieces are small, but there are several large ones, most of which are very rare. This work, is probably the most rare of all.

It was published by the Vincent Music Co. Ltd. in 1901, and dedicated: "In Memoriam: E.J.H." The E.J.H. mentioned, is the famous Edward J. Hopkins (1818-1901), organist of the Temple Church in London.

I have quite a bit to say about this whole upload, so, I'll briefly discuss the purely musical elements first.

It is a grand essay, written upon the hymn-tune "Ellers" which was composed by Hopkins. It is always linked with the text, "Saviour again, to Thy dear Name."

This piece is high Victorian, similar perhaps in emotion to things like Sullivan's "The Lost Chord." It is of its time to be sure, and out-of-fashion now, but the emotion and sweep are genuine, and the impact is quite magnificent.

Pearce creates a large tapestry around the tune, and there is a great variety of texture and colors. Space doesn't permit me to go into detail, but I will refer you to the First and Second Comments for more info, some personally important to this entire performance.

This performance is dedicated with sincere friendship to voxcoelestis. THANK YOU, Michael! (See Comments below).

The score is attached below, as well as photos of C. W. Pearce, E. J. Hopkins, and the organ of the Temple Church in Hopkins time.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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