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Arioso (Dank sei dir, Herr // Thanks be to thee)

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Sample Sets for Sale

Uploaded by: EdoL (07/01/18)
Composer: Händel, G.F. // Siegfried Ochs (?)
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Utrecht - Dom, Bätz Organ
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Baroque
Playing this piece for the umptieth time with yet another soprano, I wondered how many times it would have been uploaded to the concert hall, being very popular but not a "real" organ piece.

To my surprise there IS an abundance of ariosos from later date, but not this one.

Looking for "Dank sei dir Herr" produced only one result. Quite astonishing, considering the popularity of this really beautiful music.

So this is my feeble attempt: I guess it really should really have been done on an English organ by someone with the ability to control such a big and fantastic instrument to perfection. Only one name on the concert hall springs to mind.... and that's not mine!

So, David, if you feel inclined to show how it SHOULD be done, please do so.
In the meantime this is a version on the Dom in Utrecht, an organ I'm more familiar with.

I hope you like it.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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