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Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei (02/12/16)
Composer: D'Anglebert, Jean-Henri
Sample Producer: Prospectum
Sample Set: St. Peter und Paul Weissenau
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Baroque
Jean-Henri d'Anglebert (baptized 1 April 1629 – 23 April 1691) was a French composer, harpsichordist and organist. He was one of the foremost keyboard composers of his day.

D'Anglebert's father Claude Henry dit Anglebert was an affluent shoemaker in Bar-le-Duc. Nothing is known about the composer's early years and musical education. Since he at one time composed a tombeau for Jacques Champion de Chambonnières, it is possible that Chambonnières was his teacher—or at any rate a friend for whom D'Anglebert had much respect. The earliest surviving manuscript with D'Anglebert's music dates from 1650–1659. It also contains music by Louis Couperin and Chambonnières, and possibly originated in their immediate circle; thus already by the mid-1650s D'Anglebert must have been closely associated with the most prominent French harpsichordists of the time.

D'Anglebert's career in Paris must have begun at the Jacobins church in Rue St. Honoré, where he was still organist in January 1660. In August 1660 he succeeded Henri Dumont as harpsichordist to Philippe I, Duke of Orléans, the King's younger brother. He kept the position until at least 1668, but in the meantime, in 1662, he bought the reversion of the post of harpsichordist from Chambonnières, who had been recently disgraced at the court; Chambonnières kept the salary, but D'Anglebert assumed the duties.

The lovely 8' flutes are featured in this expressive, yet formal composition.

This piece, as well as a number of other uploads, are all part of my upcoming review of the wonderful new Wiesseanu sample set by Prospectum. It will soon be featured on "The Barde," so, please take a look!
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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