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Quinta Fuga

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Uploaded by: ajongbloed (01/23/16)
Composer: Lohet, Simon
Sample Producer: Prospectum
Sample Set: G. Silbermann Stadtkirche Zöblitz, 1742
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Medieval and Renaissance
Lohet’s Quinta Fuga (I follow the designation in the original Edition, instead of naming it Fuga Quinta) shows its Renaissance roots more than the previous four. It uses frequent repeated chords, a device we nowadays don’t associate with the contrapuntal style of a fugue. And it uses (again) frequent parallel fifths and octaves. These are either a characteristic for the instrumental music of the period, or Lohet was (in this respect) a very bad composer. Interesting (and for me unexpected) is also the e flat in the bass voice in bar 43 against the d in the alto voice. Perhaps an error in voice leading by Lohet, but it sure results in a colourfull harmony.

For comparison: Carson Cooman uploaded this piece as well, in a manualiter performance:

Score available here:
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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