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Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn

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Uploaded by: EdoL (01/07/16)
Composer: Scheidemann, Heinrich
Sample Producer: OrganArt Media
Sample Set: 1686/1860 Bosch-F.C. Schnitger, Vollenhove, Netherlands
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Medieval and Renaissance
Heinrich Scheidemann (ca. 1595 – 1663) was a German organist and composer. He was the best-known composer for the organ in north Germany in the early to mid-17th century, and was an important forerunner of Buxtehude and J.S. Bach.

Scheidemann studied with Sweelinck in Amsterdam from 1611 to 1614, and evidently was one of his favorite pupils, since Sweelinck dedicated a canon to him, prior to Scheidemann's return to Germany. By 1629, and possibly earlier, Scheidemann was in Hamburg as organist at the Catharinenkirche, a position which he held for more than thirty years, until his death in Hamburg in early 1663 during an outbreak of the plague.

Scheidemann was renowned as an organist and composer, as evidenced by the wide distribution of his works; more organ music by Scheidemann survives than by any other composer of the time. Unlike the other early baroque German composers, such as Praetorius, Scheidt and Schein, each of whom wrote in most of the current genres and styles,

Scheidemann wrote almost entirely organ music.

This Epiphany choral is from Euchiridion oder Handbuchlein, Erfurt 1524.

Played on Rugwerk Bourdon 8', Fluit 4'
Pedaal to Hoofdwerk Trompet 8
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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