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O vision blest of heavenly light

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Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei (08/06/15)
Composer: Duncalf, Henry
Sample Producer: Milan Digital Audio
Sample Set: Salisbury Cathedral Father Willis
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Hymn
Today, August 6th, is the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

This is the dramatic scene where Jesus takes Peter, James, and John to the mountain top, and is suddenly transfigured before their eyes. They see Moses and Elijah speaking with Jesus, and they hear the voice of God the Father speaking. When it is over, they are told to say nothing of this - for the time being.

The text refers to the "journey to the end", which is speaking of the fact that the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness begins as soon as they descend to the bottom.

Because of the importance of this occasion, it is now the Gospel on the final Sunday before Lent, as well as being on the traditional location of August 6th.

Since the last verse of the hymn is a doxology (an ascription of praise to the Trinity), the "Amen" is correct in this case.

The tune is named "St. Bartholomew" and was composed by Henry Duncalf. c. 1762.

The words are by the well-known author and scholar, George B. Timms (1910-1997).

One full verse of introduction.

O vision blest of heavenly light,
Which meets the three disciples' sight,
When on the holy mount they see
Their Lord's transfigured majesty.

More bright than day his raiment shone;
The Father's voice proclaimed the Son
Belov'd before the worlds were made,
For us in mortal flesh arrayed.

And with him there on either hand
Lo, Moses and Elijah stand,
To show how Christ, to those who see,
Fulfils both law and prophecy.

O Light from light, by love inclined,
Jesu, redeemer of mankind,
Accept thy people's prayer and praise
Which on the mount to thee they raise.

Be with is, Lord, as we descend
To walk with thee to journey's end,
That through thy cross we too may rise,
And share thy triumph in the skies.

To thee, O Father; Christ, to thee,
Let praise and endless glory be,
With whom the Spirit we adore,
One Lord, one God, for evermore. Amen.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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