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The Armley Schulze [Back to Library]

Producer: Lavender Audio
Builder: Schulze
Country: United Kingdom
Style: Symphonic
Manuals: 4
Pedalboard: No
Audio Ouput:
Date Built: 1869


Editor note: There is a lot of great information at the manufacturer's site. We highly recommend that you visit it via the link below for a complete history of this fine instrument.

There will be a variety of sample sets based on the Armley Schulze, ranging from a small evaluation set to the complete instrument of 57 stops. All sets benefit from the following features (as applicable), designed to maximise realism and quality:

• Every note of every stop has been sampled at a rate of 48kHz and a resolution of 24 bits

• Samples are presented “wet”, ie complete with the natural reverberation of the church (for some stops, 3.5 seconds or more)

• Multi-channel sample sets are available, comprising a total of three separate perspectives - Chancel, Nave and Surround. Single channel sets, featuring just the Chancel perspective are also provided at a lower cost

• Multiple releases are employed, with all stops featuring three and sometimes four releases per note for greatly improved realism in staccato and semi-staccato passages

• Multiple loops are featured, with almost all sustain samples benefiting from 3 or 4 separate loops

• Separately sampled tremulants are featured for all stops on the Swell, Choir and Echo divisions

• Hauptwerk’s model for the swell enclosure has been accurately programmed, based on samples taken across the compass of each stop

• Blower, tremulant action, stop action and key action noises are also included

• An “enhanced” organ definition file is also provided which increases the flexibility and versatility of the Armley Schulze Hauptwerk sample sets

The 32 stop and Evaluation sample sets are available now. The completed instrument will be available as soon as possible in 2016.

These sample sets are all compatible with Hauptwerk version 4 upwards. The organ was sampled in November 2012 and September 2014 using high quality microphones by Schoeps and AKG. Mic pre-amps and digital conversion by Focusrite.

A proportion of the proceeds from the sale of the Armley sample sets will be passed to the Armley Schulze organ maintenance fund.

Special thanks go to Brett Milan for his kind permission allowing the redistribution of Milan Digital Audio copyright images as part of these sample sets

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# of users uploaded using organ:39
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