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Noel Ecossais
Uploaded by: Hoofdwerk
Composer: Guilmant, Alexandre Organ: Caen - St. Etienne Cavaillé Coll Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 471
Choral Noel, VPX-004
Uploaded by: FredM
Composer: Verpeaux, Jean-Paul Organ: Aristide No.1 Version 2 Software: Hauptwerk V Views: 64
Noel Eccosois
Uploaded by: adri
Composer: Josse-Francois-Joseph Benaut Organ: 1766 Riepp Dreifaltigkeits Organ, Ottobeuren, Germany Software: Hauptwerk VII Views: 63
Messe, 6-14
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Composer: Nivers, Guillaume-Gabriel Organ: St. Michel en Thiérache Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 125
Uploaded by:
Agnus_Dei (12/31/12)
Daquin, Louis-Claude
Sample Producer:
Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set:
St. Michel en Thiérache
Software: | Hauptwerk IV |
Genre: | Baroque |
Description: | The entire title is:
"Noel en Dialogue, duo, trio sur le Cornet de Recit, les Tierces du Positif et la Pedalle de Flute"
This is another rather lengthy piece with no "changes" in the registration. It uses the Cornet de Recit (which is ALWAY ON in this organ) against the Cornet separe of the Positif. The accompaniment is played on the Flutes 16', 8' & 4' of the Grand Orgue, and since the GO is ALWAYS coupled to the Pedalle, there is a 16' sound in the bass.
I believe that this Noel has the "most active" pedal part in any of these pieces.
While playing this, I've tried to improvise and execute every sort of ornament and "inegale" that I could think of. However it is rather lengthy, and despite a great variety of "texture", it may seem a bit "bland" to those who like more "variety" in such pieces. |
Performance: | Live |
Recorded in: | Stereo |
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