Variations sur un Noël (op. 20) Uploaded by: Aarnoud Composer: Dupré, Marcel Organ: Laurenskerk - Main Organ - 1973 Marcussen & Son Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 1294
Noel IX - sur les Flûtes Uploaded by: wolfram_syre Composer: Daquin, Louis-Claude Organ: 1732 Andreas Silbermann, Ebersmünster, France Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 368
Noël provençal Uploaded by: Aarnoud Composer: Corrette, Michel Organ: 1732 Andreas Silbermann, Ebersmünster, France Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 271
A typical French Noel from the 2nd half of the 18th century, on two popular songs :" Joseph est bien marié" (Joseph is well married) and "Bonne gens attendez-moi" (My good friends, wait for me).
There no registration by the author and it is a pure pleasure to search for them amid Ebersmunster stops. As a possible solution among many of them :
theme : cromorne
1st var : echo cornet and cromorne
2nd var : bourdon 8 + quarte 2
3rd var : GO bourdon 8 , Echo trompette
4th var : GO bourdon 8, POS bourdon + nasard
5th : grand jeu by the book
Last two bars : POS bourdon
I do not feel really at home in this music. So, please listen to the organ, not to the playing.