Psalm 56 Compilation Uploaded by: FredM Composer: Cor van Dijk and Marco den Toom Organ: Goerlitz (Görlitz), Sonnenorgel Software: Hauptwerk V Views: 42
Time for some joy! The Genevan melody of Psalm 108 truly can lift the heart.
This piece has a rondo-like structure, with variations of the theme (Trompette on the Great) alternating with the richly decorated psalm melody (Cornet, Trompette, Hautbois - the entire Recit division). Accompanied by Bourdon, Prestant and Nazard on the Positif and the Bourdon in the Pedal. Wonderful how this single 8' in the Pedal is a solid foundation even for forte registrations!
After the trio, a short climax leads to a fiery dance on the melody - Jeux Grandes + Chamades!
Unlike many of my other improvisations which are mostly entirely spontaneous, this one I have developed during lots of exercise. I think I'm grasping a bit above my level of playing again and so I accept that it is not entirely perfect. But at least I enjoyed the composition process and I hope you will enjoy the result!