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Time (VII) is a Thief

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Uploaded by: AMLaMort (06/15/12)
Composer: Anthony Mark LaMort
Sample Set: Ev. Wangerin w. Hohner Pianet, Korg Delta & MS2000 & Roland D50 synths, percussion, vox, spoken word
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Modern

1. The spoken text is from a poem I wrote about 11 years ago. I'll post it at the end of this description. I'll also invoke and paraphrase Robert Heinlein: "A poet who reads his poetry in public may have other bad habits as well" (!)

2. In order to convey the affect I have employed a few hopefully not-too-terribly-cliche devices. For example, at the onset the listener may notice what sounds like a broken clock movement - i.e. it's ticking along fine and then 'jumps' over a broken tooth or other imperfection.

3. At some point I may record this with a real voice over artist, though in a way my never quite relinquished NYC accent and over pronounced 'esses' (I think) actually lend some authenticity.

4. I think there will be a total of 10 time pieces when I am done with this series.

5. I'm pretty sure the good folks at Evensong didn't intend this use of their most excellent sample set, but the Masonic Lodge Wangerin is so full of wondrous color... hopefully no offense is taken!
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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