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Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet

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Uploaded by: jocr (11/03/11)
Composer: Scheidemann, Heinrich
Sample Producer: Hauptwerk NL
Sample Set: Hinsz Organ (1733), Petruskerk, Leens
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Baroque
Verse 1: HW Prestant 8' + Roerfluit 8' + Octaaf 4' + Quint 3' + Mixtuur 4-6 sterk; PD Trompet 8'; Verse 2: HW Prestant 8' + Octaaf 4' + Quint 3' + Octaaf 2'; PD Bazuin 16' + Roerquint 6; Verse 3: HW Quintadeen 16' + Prestant 8' + Octaaf 4' + Quint 3' + Mixtuur 4-6 sterk + Trompet 8'; PD Bazuin 16' + Prestant 8' + Trompet 8' + Roerquint 6'. Temperament Valotti-Young. [3:37]
Performance: MIDI
Recorded in: Stereo
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