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Trio in D Dur

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Uploaded by: ajongbloed (05/16/24)
Composer: Löw, Rudolf
Sample Producer: Sweelinq
Sample Set: Dordrecht, Augustijnenkerk
Software: Sweelinq
Genre: Romantic
Rudolf Löw (1832 – 1898) was a Swiss organist and composer. He was a student of Carl Ferdinand Becker (Orgel) and Ignaz Moscheles (Piano). In 1864 he became first organist in the newly build Elisabethkirch. As composer he wrote mostly in a style inspired by the old masters of counterpoint like Bach and Händel. With the exception of a few Lieder, his output as a composer was never printed.

A few years ago I published 12 organ compositions by Löw's hamd ( Recently I got a reference to a further composition by Löw, a Trio in D Dur. The source for this Trio by Rudolf Löw is manuscript UBH kr 41,5, owned by the Universitätsbibliothek Basel. This Trio shows Löw's fondness for counterpoint. Subject and countersubject are exchanged through all three voices and the subject is presented in stretto as weel. At the same time, it is rather scholarlike and does not flow as fluently and naturally as the Trio's of for example Rembt I published recently.

Score available here:
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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