Louis Vierne - Berceuse Uploaded by: koschinski Composer: Vierne, Louis Organ: Walcker - Wildervank (1913) Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 374
Le trésor des chapelles 14 Uploaded by: DominiqueD Composer: Abbé REDIER de la VILATTE Organ: Vleugels organ Schlosskirche Chemnitz Software: Hauptwerk VII Views: 106
Cortège (1991) Uploaded by: CarsonCooman Composer: Young, Gordon Organ: Vleugels organ Schlosskirche Chemnitz Software: Hauptwerk VII Views: 168
Le trésor des chapelles 21 Uploaded by: DominiqueD Composer: Wulfran MOREAU Organ: Vleugels organ Schlosskirche Chemnitz Software: Hauptwerk VIII Views: 128
Easter Alleluias! (2021) Uploaded by: CarsonCooman Composer: Lasky, David Organ: Vleugels organ Schlosskirche Chemnitz Software: Hauptwerk VII Views: 166
Storm Quiet (2023) Uploaded by: CarsonCooman Composer: Stevens, James Michael Organ: Vleugels organ Schlosskirche Chemnitz Software: Hauptwerk VII Views: 135
Louis Vierne's first organ work, composed in 1894 and, quite unjustly, unfortunately received very little attention, shows the full extent of the admiration that Louis Vierne must have had for his teacher César Franck. The entire piece of music is so inspired by Franck that one sometimes believes it was composed by Franck himself. The melodious design of the canon in the middle, which is also present as a design element in a similarly intense way in Vierne's first symphony, is entirely in the spirit of the canons that Franck was so fond of using in his works. If you listen to Franck's Andantino and Vierne's Allegretto back to back, it becomes particularly obvious.
Nevertheless, in this small but difficult piece we can already see the harmonic and stylistic peculiarities of the later Louis Vierne.