Notturno (2006) Uploaded by: CarsonCooman Composer: Willscher, Andreas Organ: The Armley Schulze Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 50
Two Tumpet Tunes and Air Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei Composer: Purcell, Henry / arr. Ley, Henry G. Organ: The Armley Schulze Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 308
Here is my latest finished composition, a fugue on the first two bars of the tune 'Eudoxia' by Sabine Baring Gould.
I had the idea for this peice whilst improvising one evening - I played the tune and then improvised a fugue on the first two bars, by the time I got to the full voice entry of the subject at the end, I discovered that I could quite natrually add the last two bars of the tune as a coda! I might write more of these!
Anyway, thank you for listening!