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Partita on a Theme by Farnaby (1985)

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Uploaded by: CarsonCooman (10/08/23)
Composer: Penfield, Craig A.
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Noordbroek, Schnitger-Hinsz-Freytag
Software: Hauptwerk VII
Genre: Contemporary
Craig A. Penfield (b. 1948) — Partita on a Theme by Farnaby (1985) for organ
Carson Cooman, organ

Based on a theme by Giles Farnaby (ca. 1560–1600) from “The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book”

Craig A. Penfield was born in Hartford, Connecticut on August 29, 1948. There were many musicians on both sides of his family, and at a very early age Penfield began composing music and performing as a violinist, pianist, and organist. His primary studies began with Gordon W. Stearns, Sr. of West Hartford and eventually culminated with post-graduate study at Trinity College with Clarence E. Watters. (Watters himself had been the first American student of Marcel Dupré.) a As composer, Penfield has published hundreds of compositions, including many works for organ, as well as works for other solo instruments, orchestra, and chorus. For many years, Penfield was active as an organist/choir director and concert recitalist in New England as well as on the West Coast. His works have been performed throughout the world, most frequently in Germany, France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the USA.

Published by Belwin-Mills (out-of-print)
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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