[Nun komm der Heiden Heiland] Part-1 by 8 composers Uploaded by: jepisi Composer: Prætorius, Scheidt, Buxtehude, Pachelbel, Telemann, Walther, Homilius, Khel Organ: AVO Great American (final version) Software: Hauptwerk VIII Views: 266
Psalm 61 Compilation Uploaded by: FredM Composer: Cor van Dijk and Marco den Toom Organ: Goerlitz (Görlitz), Sonnenorgel Software: Hauptwerk V Views: 32
The Sexton's Lament
opus vpx-551
A fantasy in C minor based on the redundancy of a sequence of four notes (G C D E flat) or its variations to evoke the repetitive tasks of a disillusioned sexton.