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Suite du 1er Ton

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Uploaded by: yolar (09/26/22)
Composer: Nôtre, Jean-Baptiste
Sample Producer: OrganArt Media
Sample Set: 1766 Riepp Dreifaltigkeits Organ, Ottobeuren, Germany
Software: Hauptwerk VII
Genre: baroque/classical
Jean-Baptiste Nôtre was a French composer and organist. The Suite du 1er Ton is from a collection of Nôtre's pieces called 'Livres de piesses d’orgue par l’organiste de Toul', which contains eight suites, ordered by ton. I swapped the 8th and the 9th part of this suite, since I liked to close with the grander sounding 8th part (bombarde included). The parts of this suite are quite short. Therefore excellent to show some different French sides of this wonderful Dreifaltigkeits Organ of Karl Joseph Riepp in just a few minutes. This sample set by OrganArt Media is still in bèta test phase.

To decide which registrations to use (always a tricky business with French baroque and classical organ music) I used Roland Lopes' excellent 'Tables de Registrations pour la musique d'orgue française du XVIe au XIXe siècle'. In this paper suggestions about registrations of Nôtre's organ pieces are available. Also there are notes about registrations of French music on the Riepp organ (1768) of the Abbaye de Salem. Since the Riepp organ of Ottobeuren was built in 1766, I had to take these notes seriously. In the end I used suggestions of both Nôtre and Riepp and tried to make a nice synthesis of it.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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