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Gavotte et Doubles de la Gavotte

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Uploaded by: PCdeJong (09/10/22)
Composer: Jean-Philippe Rameau
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Groningen, St. Martini
Software: Hauptwerk VII
Genre: Baroque
The Gavotte et Doubles is “a masterly set of six variations growing from a slow and rather sad gavotte tune in the d’Anglebert tradition to a conclusion of dazzling brilliance” (H. Schott). Rameau has composed this piece for harpsichord as part of the ‘Nouvelle Suites de Pièces de Clavecin’. The music has been arranged though for a variety of other instruments, like piano, guitars and I found even a recording by a reed quintet. So why not organ?...

HW: Octaav 8, Quintadena 8
RP: Hautbois 8, HW+RP

1er Double:
HW: Quintadena 8, Viola d.Gamba 8
RP: Roerfluyt 8, Nasat 3, HW+RP

2me Double:
BW: Praestant 8, Nasat 3, Vox Humana 8
HW: Quintadena 8, Viola d.Gamba 8, BW+HW
RP: Hautbois 8, HW+RP

3me Double:
HW: Praestant 16, Vlakfluyt 2
RP: Basson 16

4me Double:
HW: Trompet 8
RP: Schalmey 8

5me Double:
BW: Praestant 8, Nasat 3
RP: Quintadena 16, Basson 16

6me Double (first part, subsequently up to full organ)
BW: Praestant 8, Octaav 4, Trompet 16, Vox Humana 8
HW: Octaav 8, Octaav 4, Viola d.Gamba 8
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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