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1er Couplet, Sanctus

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Uploaded by: FredM (08/17/22)
Composer: Couperin, François
Sample Producer:
Sample Set: Aristide No.1 Version 2
Software: Hauptwerk V
Genre: Baroque
Couperin acknowledged his debt to the Italian composer Corelli. He introduced Corelli's trio sonata form to France. Couperin wrote two grand trio sonatas. The first, Le Parnasse, ou L'Apothéose de Corelli ("Parnassus, or the Apotheosis of Corelli"), was written to show his great debt to Corelli and published in 1724. The other, L'Apothéose de Lully, was published a year later and composed in honor of Jean-Baptiste Lully. It used both French and Italian styles of Baroque music, to reconcile the very different styles in what Couperin called a réunion des goûts (a reunion of tastes). The same year as L'Apothéose de Corelli was published, Couperin published a set of ten pieces, "Nouveaux concerts, ou Les goûts réunis", that also combined these two different styles of Baroque music.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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